Case summary: H.D.V. v T.T.L.

Case summary of H.D.V. v T.T.L, 2023 BCSC 695


The case revolves around a dispute over parenting time between the two parties and the best interests of their two children.  The parties were previously sharing parenting time on a one week on and one week off schedule, but H.D.V. sought an order to vary the schedule to a two week on/two week off schedule and an equal division of school breaks. T.T.L. opposed this and brought an application for the parties to share parenting time with T.T.L. having two weeks and H.D.V. having one week with the children in every three-week period.


The court considered the best interests of the children and ultimately decided to vary the parenting time schedule to a two week on/two week off schedule, with the exception of school breaks which would be shared equally. The court also ordered that the claimant pay the respondent's costs of the application.


The case highlights the importance of considering the best interests of the children in parenting disputes and the potential for court intervention when parties cannot come to an agreement. It also serves as a reminder of the need for clear communication and cooperation between parents to ensure the well-being of their children.

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